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Sunday 10 April 2011

Nottingham tourist information, sightseeing this beautiful city

Nottingham tourist information, sightseeing this beautiful city

Recommended sightseeing in Nottingham, UK. This beautiful city has a lot more to offer other than Robin Hood – it has the oldest pub in Great Britain, a rich history in lace production, and some stunning architecture.
Situated in the East Midlands, Nottingham is a beautiful city rich in history, natural beauty and stunning architecture.
Nottingham’s most famous export is, of course Robin Hood. This dashing outlaw, portrayed on screen by the likes of Errol Flynn, Kevin Costner and Daffy Duck, is celebrated in numerous attractions around the city. The most impressive of these is The Tales of Robin Hood, which is situated in the City centre just five minutes away from Nottingham Castle. The Tales of Robin Hood has been described as “a little disneyland”, and offers a dazzling interactive experience with adventure rides, detective games and archery practice. In the evening the doors are opened on their sumptuous banqueting halls where authentic medieval banquets can be enjoyed at a very reasonable price.
Once you’ve had your fill of Robin Hood there is plenty more Nottingham to enjoy. There are museums and attractions to suit all tastes including a museum of costume and textiles, a museum celebrating the history of the Nottingham area and several galleries showcasing both classic and contemporary art.
If museums and galleries really aren’t your thing, then why not visit “Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem”. Known to the locals as “The Trip”, it’s the oldest pub in England, and the best place in the city to take a break and enjoy a traditional English pint.
One of the most beautiful sights of Nottingham is its stunning architecture. From the central point of the city, the Council House Building on Old Market Square to striking new designs of the Inland Revenue buildings at Castle Meadow, Nottingham boasts some of the finest architecture in the country.
To escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, just take a short drive to the village of Edwinstowe, where you will find yourself surrounded in beautiful countryside and, once more, immersed in the legend that is Robin Hood. You can even see Robin’s former hideout – the Major Oak is still standing and can be seen at The Sherwood Forest Visitors Centre. There are also some beautiful walks around this area, along with nature reserves and stately homes.


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